UpdateMotor module

Houses the UpdateMotor class.

class UpdateMotor.UpdateMotor(motor, q_positions: Queue, s_timeDelta: Share, s_velocity: Share, q_velocities: Queue, q_times: Queue, resetRequest: Share, printList: Queue, collectOLData: Share, collectStepData: Share, qtrfront: QTRSensors, qtrrear: QTRSensors, s_qtrPositionfront: Share, s_qtrPositionrear: Share, s_position: Share)

Bases: object

Communicates with a motor’s respective encoder to provide updated position, and velocity value; also manages a QTR Sensor.

@param encoder is the encoder object to get data from. This will already be initialized @param _reset is a flag where “1” means a request to reset the encoder
